Thursday, August 14, 2008

Knocked Out

A day after the United States' Olympic run ended and I still don't know what to think. Sure the competition means very little, but the entire competition I was rooting for the guys just like it was a World Cup. Dumb, yes. Unexpected? No. I love this team and I love this sport.

What could have been will be asked over and over of the players involved. What if Stuart Holden had not hacked at the Dutch players leg outside the box like it was a piece of wood? What if Charlie Davies header had been 3 inches lower and cracked the back of the net? It's these questions that make this game so frustrating at times. But when you do put everything together, and it all works, it can be so amazing.

Overall it was a good experience for the younger guys, with some bright spots and some not so bright ones.

I found it fitting though that the US needed a result, in the last game of the group, against a strong African side slightly Ironic. Sound familiar?

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